Monday 22 October 2012


Social Entrepreneurship is the process identifying social opportunity and translating in to an enterprise. A person who founds or engage in Social Entrepreneurship is called Social Entrepreneur: They are For example, one who is engage in Drugs and Alcohol counselling and remedial education program for disadvantaged employees are considered to be Social Entrepreneurs. Moreover, social entrepreneurship solve the problem of the bottom pyramid. 

Steps in Creating Social Venture.

1. Recognition of perceived social opportunity.
2. Translating the social opportunity into an entrepreneurial concept.
3. Identification and acquisition of resources required to execute the enterprise goal.
4. Heightened sense of accountability.

Examples of Social Entrepreneurs and what their Ventures they founded.

1. In 2006, Teach for America founder Wendy Kopp and City Year cofounders Michael Brown and Alan Khazei were profiled among U.S. News & World Report’s Top 25 Leaders.

2. Muhammad Yunus and his organization, the Grameen Bank, were awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. 

3. Victoria Hale of the Institute for OneWorld Health and Jim Fructerman of Benetech received “genius awards” from the MacArthur Foundation. They identify themselves as social entrepreneurs.
(Kuratko, Donald. Introduction to Entrepreneurship, 8th Edition. Cengage Learning UK, 3/14/09. p. 81).

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